Lost opportunities for cancer prevention: historical evidence on early warnings with emphasis on radiofrequency radiation

In this open access article lost opportunities for cancer prevention are discussed including tobacco, asbestos, DDT, dioxins, such pesticides such as phenoxy acetic acids and glyphosate.

Mostly there has been a long time period between the first publications on cancer risks until preventive measurements have been undertaken. Thereby the possibility to save lives has been lost.

One more recent example is exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation that in 2011 was evaluated by IARC at WHO to be a possible human carcinogen, Group 2B. Since then the evidence has increased so that RF radiation could be classified as a human cancer-causing agent. Based on published case-control studies the numbers of persons with brain and head tumours that could have been prevented are calculated. The study reports also increasing rates of brain tumours in Sweden based on the hospital in-patient register both in men and women.

One thought on “Lost opportunities for cancer prevention: historical evidence on early warnings with emphasis on radiofrequency radiation

  1. “[…] the possibility to save lives has been lost.”
    The possibility.
    With other words: it was possible to have saved the lives of those who are dead now, because some people did not want to see the possibility, not because they were not capable, but because they did not want to see it, with conscience, deliberately.
    What kind of a crime is this?
    Because it IS a crime.
    We know that ICNIRP systematically and deliberately, with conscience, rejects the warnings and researches with the clear proofs that they, ICNIRP, should at least take all these thousands of proofs serious, and stop the ICNIRP/WHO EMF project research methods.
    WHO’s superior UN’s secretary Antonio Guterres should at least answer the open letter that has been sent to him by scientists: https://ehtrust.org/will-the-world-health-organization-dr-van-deventer-answer-questions-on-transparency/
    He did not and does not react.
    With other words: UN-secretary Antonio Guterres played and plays the most important role in the possibility to save lives, today, and he ignores it.
    He cannot say that he did not know, does not know.
    All the proof is there.
    The letter is there.
    Emilie van Deventer knows.
    She got loads of emails and di not answer one of them.
    Nobody stops her. She continues creating the possibility that people die.


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